Monday, July 15, 2013

Ikan D5 Field Monitor Deluxe Kit for Canon LP-E6 Battery

! Ikan D5 Field Monitor Deluxe Kit for Canon LP-E6 Battery

Product Details

  • Brand: Ikan
  • Dimensions: 3.60 pounds


  • Peaking: The D5 is equipped with both Monochrome and Color Peaking features, which highlight the desired focus area in a bright, RED outline. The operator adjusts the focus control until the RED indicator outlines on the desired area are razor sharp, indicating optimal focus
  • False Color: The False Color feature utilizes a full spectrum of assigned color indicators, ensuring flawless shot exposure. The under/ over luminance warning enables the video professional to get the quality he/ she desires every time
  • DSLR Scaling: The DSLR Scaling function enables users to extend their DSLR camera's HDMI video output to any option of four: Normal, 3:2, 16:9 or Full Screen - convenience made simple
  • Movable pixel-to-pixel: The D5's 1:1 pixel-to-pixel mapping allows the video professional to emphasize on individual chosen elements in the shot
  • Clip Guides: The D5 offers adjustable upper Clip Guide levels to accurately display overexposed images in any shooting condition. The operator simply assigns the upper IRE to their preference and any exposure over the set IRE limit will flash in a vivid purple, indicating only the over exposed area


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